Vitti Labs Warning Letter
FDA warning letter to Vitti Labs and why this is relevant to other biologic eye drop manufacturers.
You Won’t Eat GMO But You’ll Put This In Your Eyes, Part 2
The GoodFellas of StimulEyes: M2 Biologics, Neobiosis, Truax Patient Services
You Won’t Eat GMO But You’ll Put This In Your Eyes, Part 1
StimulEyes’ FDA Approval Status: “We’re Just Invisible”
The FDA and Autologous Serum Tears
Have you been told that Biologic Eye Drops (or “BED”, made from placenta or amniotic fluid) are similar to autologous serum tears (AST)? Watch this video to understand why they are actually vastly different from the standpoint of the FDA.
Outing Regenereyes, Part 6 - How did they do it?
How does a company deceive doctors? Lots of doctors? Five not-so-easy steps to successfully take an unapproved eye drop in a Frankenstein bottle… mainstream.
Outing Regenereyes Part 5 - Recalculating Risk
Recalculating risk in a changing world: Three types of risk you may not have had to think about before while choosing dry eye treatments.
Outing Regenereyes, Part 3 - The Products
Regenereyes ophthalmic solutions: What do we know about these eyedrops? How do we know it? What do we not know that we should know?
Outing Regenereyes, Part 2 - The Company
About the journey from seeing a low grade red flag to having much more serious concerns.
FDA Drug Approval for Biologic Eye Drops, Part 2 - Somewhat Less than the Whole Truth
How biologic eye drop manufacturers confuse everyone using the Code of Federal Regulations - from HCT/P to PHS Section 361
Outing Regenereyes, Part 1 - Introduction
The medical marketplace is changing. Get a preview of the Regener-Eyes story, and learn why this is relevant to all dry eye patients - not just those using or considering Regener-Eyes.
FDA Drug Approval for Biologic Eye Drops, Part 1 - No Shortcuts Allowed
How new drugs are approved, including biologics, and where currently marketed biologic eye drops stand.
Outing Regener-Eyes - Trailer
It’s amazing what you can get away with if you just have the guts to tell big enough lies.
Diagnosing Scam Pharma, Part 1 - The Facebook Photos Biopsy
The Facebook Photos Biopsy. Seven telltale ad features.
Placentas from Strangers, Part 2 - Biological Eye Drops, Doctors & Scam Pharma
Real pharma, scam pharma, what the FDA means by “illegal”, and why it can be hard even for good doctors to identify scam pharma.
On Label, Off Label, No Label, Part 2
What are the safety implications of moving past drugs whose adverse effects have been documented through clinical trials?
On Label, Off Label, No Label, Part 1 - How Radical Is Your Doctor?
The difference between a not-approved drug and an unapproved use of an approved drug.
Placentas from Strangers, Part 1 - Dry Eye Patients & Scam Pharma
What do biologic eye drops have in common with a mocha frappuccino? What’s the difference between real pharma and scam pharma?